10 Mindset Shifts Critical to Your Success As A Rider

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There I was, riding along, too embarrassed to ask my horse to lope because I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen. At that point, smooth loping was only happening in my dreams. 

Anyone else have their horse prefer crowhops to loping??

Now we’re on the other side of all that, and I absolutely love the feeling of sitting up tall, breathing so steady and full of surety. Just kissing and picking up the prettiest little lope you ever did see. It feels sooo good! 

Maybe even better than iced coffee on a hot summer day. 

No, that’s probably going too far. 

Either way, oh boy do I know the feeling. Both the high and the low. 

You’re not alone if this happens to you, too. Let me help you keep yourself in a good headspace while you get you and your 4-legged partner trained up. There were some mindset shifts I had that were critical to my success and helped me to shift out of jealousy into a more productive headspace where I could be grateful for my own journey and excited to get out there and do the work to smooth out that lope. 

Point Click GIF by WestVirginiaU

Here’s 10 things I’d say:

👉🏼 This isn’t a competition between me and anyone else. It’s me vs me. Always.

👉🏼There’s enough pie to share. Part of having an abundance mindset is knowing there is plenty of success to go around. their horse’s beautiful mane and smooth lope departure doesn’t take away from my and my horse’s accomplishments

👉🏼I want to be someone that cheers for others like I love for others to cheer me on.

👉🏼When I’ve gotten jealous in the past I get upset, think my training plan is all wrong. Maybe I get pissy and want to throw in the towel and quit. This of course sabotages my own results. I’m choosing to nope out of this unhelpful cycle.

👉🏼The grass isn’t greener in their pasture. It’s green here through my consistency. Andddddd, you may or may not be able to be consistent with what someone is doing in their training plan. Let alone you aren’t guaranteed the same results even if you try because every horse/rider duo is different.

👉🏼I am valuable and am enough right now.

👉🏼It’s ok to be frustrated, but I remind myself feelings flow and this feeling won’t last.

👉🏼 the fact that they are able to have success with their horse is proof to me that it’s possible for me too!! I choose to be inspired by it rather than let it tell me I’m not good enough.

👉🏼Enjoying the process is more important to me than how fast my horse and I reach a certain training milestone

👉🏼Time passes whether I want it to or not. I focus on getting 1% better each day and allow my results to compound over time to incredible results

Lately, “It’s me vs me” has been speaking the most to me. I remind myself the only rider I need to be better than is the rider I was yesterday. I focus on my own progress and celebrating my personal victories, no matter how small. Which mindset shift is resonating the most with you?

Send this to a friend who needs a mental reframe.

Ready for the next step? 

Before we wrap up, I want to take a moment to introduce you to something that will truly transform your riding journey: the Mental Gym for Equestrians. If you've found these mindset shifts helpful, imagine what dedicated mental training can do for you and your horse.

Come join me in the Mental Gym for Equestrians and get the missing piece of your training plan to get your mind right so that you can get out of your own way and just ride. ❤️ 🙌

It’s a comprehensive program designed to build your mental strength, resilience, and focus, just like a physical workout builds your body. Limited spots. Open to join until Friday only!

Happy Trails,



or to participate.