You've Got 99 Problems, But it's Really Just One

The mind is the athlete; the body is simply the means it uses to run faster or longer, jump higher, shoot straighter, kick better, swim harder, hit further, or box better.”

The Power of One, Bryce Courtenay

Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something, something you can't quite explain.

You feel disappointed, maybe, thinking you alone knew The Secret. But guess what? You're not alone, and that Secret isn't quite so secret or effective.

POP QUIZ: What's the fastest way to improve riding and showing? More riding and showing, right? Wrong.

That “plan” is hard on the wallet and soul-crushing.

Many find this “program” leads to slow (or no) results and heartache. It's a common mistake, but correlation doesn't equal causation.

Why assume more riding equals success? Maybe because winners ride and show often.

It's like assuming a six-pack comes from cardio and sit-ups. But that's wrong too.

Data science and statistics have a concept called a "proxy." It stands in for something else, and sometimes, we mistake it for everything.

In equine sports, people see the proxy (top riders show and ride frequently) and think that's the whole story.

Nicole once talked with a client who found all the winners at her barn rode five days a week. But does that mean you should too?

Practice is valuable, yes. It's key for top performers.

But assuming that everyone should ride five days a week? That's a mistake.

Why? Because your brain drives performance in the saddle. Everything you experience is your brain.

The Matrix resonates with us because it hints at bending reality to our will. But most equestrians focus on their body and horse, not the source.

I've known riders focused on fixing their horse's problems. Others put their horse on a pedestal. Neither works.

Treating symptoms, not the source, is like playing Wac-A-Mole. You won't see consistent improvements.

Maybe you've got a premium horse and top trainers, but your scores are still low. Or you're almost breaking through but not quite.

Without mental training, you're doomed to repeat the same results.

Garbage in, garbage out. Einstein said insanity was doing the same thing and expecting different results.

But you know there's a better way. You're right, you can!

At Resilient Reiner, we aim to double results in half the time. Impossible? Not with Nicole's methods.

Like going to the gym, consistency pays off.

And the gym's a useful proxy for healthy behaviors. When you get serious about mental training, relationships with horses improve too.

Our clients are often surprised by how much their mental acuity and focus improve.

The Mental Gym for Equestrians includes Mindful Practice, Building a Strong Mental Foundation, and Creating a Winning Mindset. Techniques like mindfulness, visualization, emotional regulation, embracing failure, connecting with your horse, and investing in coaching make all the difference.

Put Your Mind in the Saddle:

See, you've got 99 problems as a competitive rider. But when you look closely, they're really just one: your mind.

It's that simple, and that complex.

Engage your mind in the game, and make it an essential part of your training. That's the key to transforming your performance in the saddle, enhancing your connection with your horse, and improving life beyond the barn.

You are in control. The solution to your 99 problems is within your grasp, and it's really just one powerful shift in your mindset.

Embrace the mental athlete within you. Ride into success with a mind that's trained to win.

Remember, as we often say at Resilient Reiner, it's all about achieving TWICE the results, in HALF the time, with the horse and trainer you have.

Let's tackle your ONE REAL PROBLEM, and make that your new reality.

Thanks for reading!

Adiós, mi amigos!


The Cowgirl Confident Waiting List is OPEN

The single BEST way for most riders to rapidly improve their riding and showing is COMING SOON!

We’re getting ready to launch our signature mental training program called Cowgirl Confident. In this exclusive program, students will learn mental strategies used by today’s top champion riders and professional athletes in every sport to cooly crush the competition, bust through mental blocks, and make winning look easy.

To be the FIRST NOTIFIED, save your spot when you join the waiting list here: Yes, put me on the list!

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