Are You In A Riding Rut?

Whether you experienced it in the past, are going through it now, or observed a barn-mate, almost everyone experiences a riding rut at some point. 

It's not a sudden loss or decline in your abilities. It’s not that your trainer hates you, or a judge is out to get you (I mean, it could be, but it’s probably not the case).

Sometimes it’s just about your ability to keep moving. To keep learning and improving while the world around you moves at incredible speeds. I mean, the breeding is better than ever before. The training is better than ever before. Can each of us as riders and trainers truly keep up with the pace of change and improvement? Honestly, not every single day in every single way.

But that doesn’t mean you give up. 

There are some blessed fields where you don’t have to level up, or keep up with the trends, or learn new things all the time. There are jobs where you can just clock in, clock out, and that’s all there is to it. And while I absolutely will plant my flag that over half of success is literally just showing up… 

Life moves on and knowledge evolves. 

Imagine you went to a surgeon… But they hadn’t updated their knowledge of the body or medical techniques for 30 years.

Imagine you hired an architect to design your new home… But they haven’t kept up with the trends and gave you a home straight outta 1962. 

Imagine you ordered a custom saddle for reining… But what arrived was a replica of what they used on the pony express.

My point is that in whatever you do in life, personally or professionally, chances are good you gotta keep up. The world is constantly evolving. 

Now, I’m not Chicken Little here. I’m not saying the sky is falling and you should freak out. In general, it’s decades before we really notice the changes. The point is if you are constantly learning, adapting, and leveling up, you will be ahead of the curve and prepared for whatever life throws at you. 

So why do riders get stuck?

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Ok, that’s interesting, Nicole. But I’m here because I ride horses. 

Yes, of course! 

Remember back to when you were just learning to ride. The learning curve is huge! Everything is new, and you probably were mentored by more experienced folks: trainers, family - pretty much everyone else but you when you are starting out. 

Time rolls on, you gain more knowledge, feel, and experience. You become more confident and capable. Yay! 

But this is where problems can blindside you. 

I mean, if you feel you actually had a plateau in the beginning of your riding, seriously email me and tell me the story because I would be shocked! For most folks, the plateau happens once they’ve mastered the basics. 

You might be a non-pro. A determined rider who finds themself perpetually in the middle. You have the skills, the horse, and the dreams, yet an invisible chain of self-doubt holds you back. The plateau you face isn't a physical obstacle, but a mental barricade. Fear whispered doubts, urging you to remain in the apparent safety of mediocrity. Perhaps your literal body position is defensive. Nonetheless, you are drawn to the adventure of climbing to greater peaks.

Or perhaps you’re a horse trainer. Ashley was renowned for nurturing champions. Her expertise was unquestionable, yet a persistent shadow loomed—their own self-doubt. In the show pen, Ashley's nerves wouldn’t quit, hindering her performance. She knew she could secure higher earnings, but uncertainty held her back. Until one fateful day, a wise mentor whispered, "Believe in yourself as you believe in your horses." With those words, Ashley transformed. Confidence radiated from every stride, and her earnings soared, finally matching her skills. She learned a lesson that transcended horse training—a reminder that self-belief could unlock untapped potential in even the most seasoned professionals.

When we talk about breaking through a plateau, it's about that elusive, shimmering treasure called confidence.

The Misconception: It's All About Skills

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Picture this: A rider, dedicated and passionate, spends hours perfecting their riding skills. They watch every tutorial, practice every technique, and tirelessly work on their seat and posture. Yet, something's amiss. They feel stuck, unable to break through the invisible barrier that separates good riders from exceptional ones. They assume their skills must be lacking, but they couldn't be more wrong.

The secret ingredient to rider progress isn't just skill; it's confidence. Here's the twist – many riders overlook this gem in their quest for equestrian excellence.

The Fear Factor: (remember that show!?) Confidence empowers you to face fear head-on. It's your trusty companion when you're about to leap into a new level of competition, or execute a complex maneuver. Without it, fear and doubt creep in, holding you back from pushing your limits.

Skills Alone Aren't Enough: You might be a skillful rider, but without the confidence to apply those skills effectively, you're like a brilliant composer who can't play a note. Confidence bridges the gap between knowing and doing, turning theoretical expertise into in-the-saddle prowess.

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Confidence can shape your reality. If you believe you can't do something, you're less likely to succeed, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that reinforces your lack of confidence.

Performance Enhancer: Ever noticed how your best rides happen when you're feeling confident? That's because confidence directly impacts your performance. It relaxes you, sharpens your focus, and enhances your connection with your horse, leading to remarkable results.

How to Forge Your Confidence

Now that you've glimpsed the power of confidence let me give you 7 proven tips to build and strengthen it. 

1. Set the Saddle-High Goals: Start with goals that are challenging yet achievable. As you conquer each one, your confidence will soar.

2. The Mind's Eye Magic: Visualize success before you even mount your horse. Use mental imagery to rehearse perfect rides and victorious outcomes.

3. Positive Reinforcements: Replace negative self-talk with affirmations of your riding abilities. Challenge self-doubt with self-belief.

4. Seek the Wisdom of a Mentor: A wise mentor or coach can do wonders for your confidence. They can spot your strengths and weaknesses, guiding you toward your own greatness.

5. Progress Over Perfection: Strive for progress, not perfection. Celebrate every small win along the way. Confidence builds upon each achievement.

6. The Dance with Fear: Embrace fear as your partner in growth. It's a natural part of the rider's journey. Conquer fear, and you conquer new horizons.

7. Time in the Saddle: Consistency is the linchpin of confidence. The more you ride, the more your confidence blossoms.

Plainly put: Confidence Unlocks Your Potential

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In conclusion: Progress isn't solely about skill; it's about confidence. With confidence by your side, you'll overcome fear, break through self-doubt, and conquer new heights as a rider.

No matter where you are on your riding journey, building confidence is your perpetual quest. Set goals, visualize success, speak kindly to yourself, seek guidance, embrace progress, and ride with dedication. Confidence is your compass on the path to equestrian greatness. Don’t leave it at home! 

Stay confident, stay passionate, and keep riding toward your dreams!

Pssst! Update on coaching and a resource for building your confidence as a rider!

Heads up, friends, because I know a bunch of you are on the waitlist, that I am gearing up to open up the Mental Gym again late spring!! But before the Mental Gym opens up again, I am so excited to share what’s coming out first!

I get so many questions about confidence as a rider & this is one of the biggest blocks that I see riders run into that is blocking them from leveling up and really unlocking their true potential in the saddle.

So because I want to give you guys as much as I can, I have been creating this amazing course that I am going to drop in the next month all about confidence for riders!

While in the Mental Gym for Equestrians we go over all aspects of mental preparation for riders and you get live coaching where we get into the details of you, and your horse, and your mind; and this new course is going to be pre-recorded so you can go through it completely on your schedule.

And we get into the nitty gritty of how to build your confidence as a rider. I'm talking literally, I take you step by step with at-home exercises and homework for you to do of here's what you need to do before your ride. Here's what you need to do after your ride. And I hold your hand and I will teach you to be a confident rider — which everybody needs no matter their skill level.

And it’s just so much more in-depth than I can get into in any free training or even in the Mental Gym because we cover so much in there. It’s really been on my heart to create this resource for all of you riders where I can hold your hand and teach you to be a confident rider.

If you're interested in this, I'm putting up a waitlist so you can be first notified as soon as it goes live. Click HERE to get on the waitlist. I am just so excited to give this to you guys because I can't wait to see the improvement and the amazing impact it's going to have for you and your horses!

Sending you guys all of my love,

Happy Trails,

Nicole Burnett 

Mental Performance Coach for Western Riders

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