Become a Better Rider on Your Summer Vacation

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Hello, my friends! Welcome back to the Resilient Reiner newsletter. Imagine transforming your summer vacation into a powerful tool for becoming the rider you’ve always dreamed of being. Picture yourself returning from your break not just refreshed, but more focused, confident, and connected with your horse than ever before.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not.

Today, I’m going to show you how to turn your time off into an opportunity for incredible growth. Let me share a personal story from my family vacation over the Fourth of July to illustrate this concept and inspire you to harness the power of the present moment.

The Challenge of Staying Present on Vacation

Ah, vacations. They’re supposed to be a time to unwind, right? But how often do we find ourselves distracted, even when we’re supposed to be relaxing? As a fairly driven person, and no stranger to hard work, it can be difficult to turn “off” and unwind. During my recent family vacation over the Fourth of July, I found myself constantly thinking about work, my riding goals, and the never-ending to-do list back home. I’ll admit it was tough to be fully present, even when we were at the beach or roasting marshmallows by the fire. This struggle isn’t unique to vacations—it’s something we riders face regularly in the saddle. Distractions, doubts, and anxieties can easily pull us away from the present moment. 

The Power of Being Present

So, why is being present so powerful? When I finally managed to let go and immerse myself in the simple joys of vacation—like feeling the sand between my toes, hearing the waves crash, and savoring the gooey perfection of a toasted marshmallow—I realized how much more fulfilling those moments were. And when I am fully present in the moment, all the outside worry fades away as I just deal with the now. The same goes for riding. When you are fully present, you connect better with your horse, your movements become more fluid, and your performance improves. Period. Presence allows us to truly experience and enjoy the ride, rather than just going through the motions.

If you ever hope to ride in flow, ease and at your peak, you need focus.

Techniques to Stay Present on Vacation… And Beyond

Staying present takes practice, but it’s soooo worth it. I will admit, sitting on the beach and feeling the itch to “do” something I had a lightning bolt moment where I went, “Nicole, being present and focused here on the beach is no different and the exact same skill as being present and focused in the saddle about to compete.” 

That helped me to realize the overlap of skill, and I hope you are as pleased as I was to realize fully enjoying myself floating in the water on my tropical floatie was actually going to be practicing the exact mental skills I need to ride better. Here are some techniques that helped me on vacation and can help you too:

  • Mindfulness Exercises: Simple breathing techniques can anchor you in the moment. Try taking deep, slow breaths and focus on each inhale and exhale.

  • Sensory Awareness: Engage your senses fully. Notice the sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and textures around you. When I focused on the crackling fire and the sweet taste of marshmallows, it grounded me in the present.

  • Mindful Activities: Go for a walk down the beach… without your phone. Practice mindful eating; taking one bite at a time. Or engage fully in family activities. Yes, immerse yourself in that game of Monopoly! During our vacation, I made it a point to be fully present during family ice cream time and it made a world of difference.

Applying Vacation Mindfulness to Riding

Typically we think of mindfulness as something we practice disconnected from our time in the saddle. Or, you think of creating mindful moments with your horse- things like using grooming as a time to connect with your horse and yourself. Notice the rhythm of your brush strokes, the texture of your horse’s coat, and your horse’s reactions.

And that is great! Absolutely look for those moments in your life when you can bring more present moment awareness. Annnnddd, don’t forget that when you choose to dig your toes in the sand, take a deep breath, and be fully present in that incredible moment; well, you are training your ability to be focused. To be fully in the present moment. 

And that skill, my friend, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself as a rider. 

Driving back through the windy mountain pass on the drive home - yet another activity that required my full attention - I realized what a weight felt lifted off my shoulders from just being here. Now. Reflecting on my vacation, I realized that the moments I enjoyed the most were the ones where I was fully present. Watching my kids bury themselves in sand, feeling the warmth of the sun, and just being there with my family were incredibly fulfilling. Not to be corny, but these moments reminded me that presence is not just about being there physically but engaging mentally and emotionally as well.

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I encourage you to try these mindfulness techniques during your summer vacation and see how they can enhance not only your relaxation and enjoyment of your vacation, but also your riding. Share your experiences and challenges with me—I love to hear about your journey towards becoming a more present and focused rider.

Remember, friend, being present is a powerful tool that can transform your horsemanship. It’s about consistently nurturing your mindset and staying focused, even when it feels hard. Growth comes from continuous effort, not perfection. So, as you enjoy your summer vacation, practice being present and see the positive impact it can have on your riding.

And if you’re ready to transform into a rider with unwavering confidence and focus, join Resilient Reiner Academy now! Imagine riding with a mindset so strong that nerves, doubts, and distractions no longer hold you back.

No more being paralyzed by anxiety or losing steam halfway through your goals. It’s time to harness your full potential and ride with the assurance and determination of a true champion.

Will you take the leap to elevate your riding journey? Don’t let another ride slip by while you're tangled in self-doubt.

Now is your moment. Let’s make it happen!

Join me in Resilient Reiner Academy and discover the confidence you need to ride at your peak. ❤️ 🙌

Thank you for joining me in this journey. Until next time, happy riding and happy vacationing!

Happy Trails,


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