Become a better rider with Dory from Finding Nemo

Hey there, Resilient Riders!

Nicole here, and I've got something exciting for y'all. In our latest podcast episode, we took a deep dive into two buzzwords you've probably heard before: Confidence and Growth Mindset. These are more than just fancy terms; they're the bedrock of your journey to becoming a top-notch rider (or acing any challenge, really).

So, let's unwrap this package, shall we?

The Power Duo: Confidence and Growth Mindset

Picture yourself on horseback, setting up for a sliding stop. The equation is simple. The confidence to fully commit makes a good stop more likely. And if things go south? A growth mindset helps you scrutinize what went wrong without spiraling into self-doubt. You'll be back in the saddle with more knowledge, skill, and—yep, you guessed it—confidence.

These two concepts share a symbiotic relationship: Confidence helps you take risks, and those risks help develop your growth mindset, which in turn elevates your confidence. It's like they're each other's hype squad.

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Let's put a pin in confidence for a sec and zoom in on mindsets.

Fixed Mindset: You're essentially a believer in destiny. You think your skills are pre-determined. You stick to the safety of the status quo. Trying new things? Too risky, might tarnish the ol' reputation.

Growth Mindset: You see challenges as a training ground. Your focus isn't on proving you're the best, but on becoming better. You're okay with failure because it's part of the learning process.

It's worth mentioning that the concept of a growth mindset comes from researcher Carol Dweck. Her advice? Praise the effort, not the inherent talent. It works wonders with kids and can reshape how they tackle challenges. That smarty-pants who never needed to work hard? He might struggle when life gets tough. But the kid praised for hard work will likely be more adaptable and resilient. Who knew you’d get a parenting tip from a horse newsletter! But hey – if it works, it works!

The Brainy Side of Growth Mindset

This isn't just psychological mumbo jumbo. Neuroplasticity, or your brain's ability to form new neural connections, gets a boost with a growth mindset. As you challenge yourself, you're not only stretching your comfort zone but also paving new neural pathways that reinforce adaptability and resilience.

Back to Confidence

Now, let’s get a quick definition for confidence. Confidence isn't just swagger; it's a strategic tool in developing a growth mindset. When you're low on confidence, it's easy to get stuck in a mental rut. But with a dose of self-assurance, you're better positioned to break the cycle and grow.

Dory in Finding Nemo: living that growth mindset life!

The Growth Playbook

So, you're sold on adopting a growth mindset. Great! Start with these questions to shake things up:

— What holds me back from trying new things?

— Why is my identity tied to my expertise?

— How can I get more comfortable with failing?

Don't just ponder—act! Start small, like asking for help in a low-stakes setting, or try out new techniques in the practice ring. Ditch perfectionism for play and experimentation. Before you know it, you'll be writing a new story for yourself—one of resilience, growth, and heaps of newfound confidence.

That's all for now, folks! Hit reply and let me know how you’re applying a growth mindset in your horse life! Until next time, keep riding and thriving!

Happy trails,

Nicole 🐴

PS: Interested in developing unshakable confidence for yourself? Discover how in the next free Develop Unshakable Confidence mental skills bootcamp!


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