Blow a run??!?! Why you should Pop the Champagne!!!

Hey there fellow reiners! I have a question for you: What goes through your mind when you fall on your face? (Metaphorically or literally). Do you celebrate or beat yourself up when you fail?

Celebrate failure?! You might be wondering if that’s a typo. It's common for most people to be super hard on themselves and beat themselves up when a run or when any ride doesn’t go as planned. I totally understand why.


Failure can feel like defeat. It can be hard to see the bigger picture when you feel like you’ve been dealt a death blow, and it's only natural to be disappointed. You care about doing a good job and that’s great!


But here's the thing: failure is an inevitable part of the journey to success.


I share this message with my mental performance coaching students all the time, and I want to share it with you too.


You may not have thought about it this way before, but every time you fail, every time you overspin, or stumble during a transition is a reason to celebrate.


Why, you ask with a quizzical expression on your face? Because it means you showed up and tried. You gave it your all.


Before you splutter back objections, just back up in your thought process a minute. You’ll realize


Not failing means not trying. 


Whether it's plussing your spins, or something you're striving to create in your life, taking risks and embracing the possibility of failure is how we grow.


So, let's celebrate ourselves for showing up, for trying, and for getting back in the saddle again and again and again.


Let's acknowledge our resilience and determination to never give up.


Because it's through these experiences that we create the results we're truly proud of.


And if you’re down here and still with me… I want to hear from you! Hit "reply" and let me know:


What is a recent failure you've had that you initially considered a failure, but that you're now choosing to reframe as a win?


Let's celebrate your progress and growth together!


Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is worth acknowledging and celebrating.


I’m rooting for you!


Happy Trails,



PS: If you're ready to celebrate your wins as you learn how to elevate your reining game with mental mastery, reply with MASTERY to get on the super secret pre-launch list for our upcoming program!


or to participate.