Boost Your Riding Game Overnight with This Simple Trick

Boost Your Riding Game Overnight with This Simple Trick

horse barrel racing GIF

Rest: Your Stealth Ally in the Quest for Peak Performance

I took my yearling to a show recently for experience. At the show's zenith, the buzz is electric, riders and horses alike thrumming with adrenaline. Amidst the charged atmosphere, Siracha and I retreat to our trailer. I close my eyes, seeking solace in my chair in the corner of the facilities. Around me, a symphony of hooves and chatter and cheers, yet within, I cultivate a quietude as vast as the open plains. This moment of repose is my secret stratagem; while others fret, I harness serenity. Taking breaks even in the midst of a show day is transformative. My breathing slows, my heart steadies. I rise, rejuvenated, an oasis of calm in the competitive storm. Rest is my silent ally, the unsung hero of my triumphs.

In a world that's always on, where hustle culture gets the spotlight and downtime is often shrugged off as time wasted, there's a silent champion waiting to be recognized for its crucial role in our performance arsenal – rest!

Rest isn't just a pause between battles; it's an active participant in our quest for mental sharpness, top-tier performance, and that steel-trap resilience we all seek.

Why Rest Reigns Supreme

Think of your brain as the ultimate high-performance vehicle. Like any race car, it needs pit stops. Without them, the engine overheats, performance drops, and breakdowns are inevitable. 

With our horses, they need regular days off, vet care, and fine tuning under saddle for peak performance. Our mental engine is no different.

Cognitive processes are taxing. Decision-making, emotional regulation, learning, memory – they all draw from the same well of mental energy. It’s why date night when your partner plans everything is so sexy: you don’t have to make any decisions! Just show up and have fun! Depletion of this cognitive well without proper refilling leads to reduced concentration, impaired judgment, and a downturn in problem-solving abilities.

Rest replenishes this mental energy. It allows for cognitive maintenance and repair, giving your neural circuits the downtime they need to consolidate memories, process information, and rejuvenate.

The Science of Slumber

Let's get a bit scientific. Sleep, the MVP of rest, is prime time for the brain to detoxify itself from the day's metabolic waste. It's like the nightly cleanup crew that ensures you start the next day with a clean slate. Not getting enough? You're essentially forcing your brain to operate in a cluttered, chaotic environment.

This means at shows, if you don't get a full night’s rest before the big run, you already lack the full capacity of all your brain power.

For competitive Western riders, the role of sleep cannot be overstated. Think of it this way: every rider knows the importance of keeping their horse well groomed. Currying to stimulate blood flow and break up any mud, brushing to flick off dirt and spread those healthy hair oils; picking out hooves to clean away rocks and debris, and allow fresh air in. Just as these physical aspects are vital for the horse's performance, sleep serves a similar function for the rider's brain.

When you sleep, your brain essentially goes through its own grooming process. It's during this time that it clears out the toxins and waste that have built up throughout the day. This is crucial for anyone, but for competitive riders, who need sharp decision-making, quick reflexes, and emotional regulation, it's a game-changer.

A lack of adequate sleep means your cognitive environment is as chaotic as a barn after a busy day – cluttered, disorganized, and inefficient. For the Western rider who needs to be in sync with their horse, interpret subtle cues, and make split-second decisions during high-stress competitive situations, sleep isn't a luxury; it's a non-negotiable pillar of mental and physical well-being. It's about giving your brain the rest it needs to ensure that both you and your horse can perform at your best when it counts.

But it's not just about sleep. Rest includes those moments of wakeful pause – daydreaming, mindful meditation, that relaxed, tech-free walk. These restful activities promote creativity and problem-solving by engaging the brain's default mode network, sparking those 'aha!' moments that seem to appear out of thin air.

And don’t forget the importance of taking breaks during shows, because no one can be “on” all day at a competition

Old West Reaction GIF by GritTV

Me at shows

Resilience and Rest: The Dynamic Duo

Resilience – our ability to bounce back from setbacks – thrives on rest. Ever noticed how challenges seem insurmountable when you're exhausted, but manageable after a break? That's rest working its restoration magic.

Without sufficient downtime, stress becomes chronic, fraying our mental fabric and weakening our resilience. With rest, we maintain the elasticity of our mental resilience, ready to stretch under pressure and return unbroken.

Rest: The Performance Enhancer

Consider rest as the ultimate performance enhancer. Elite athletes swear by it; top executives champion it, and creativity often demands it. Rest is when the body and mind repair, recharge, and regroup – setting the stage for breakthrough performances.

Making Rest a Non-Negotiable

So, how do we make rest part of our peak performance strategy? Here are a few actionable ideas:

Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep. Think of it as non-negotiable maintenance.

Schedule Downtime: Block out periods in your day for deliberate rest. Even brief intervals can be powerful.

Embrace Quiet Moments: Resist the urge to fill every silence with noise. Quiet time can be golden.

Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness or meditation to give your mind a restorative break.

If peak performance is the summit we're all climbing towards, rest is the rope that both supports and pulls us upward. It's not the antithesis of hard work; it's its partner. They dance together, each step choreographed to balance the other.

So next time you're tempted to cut your rest short, remember: it's not a retreat; it's a strategic regroup. Your mind will thank you, and your performance will reflect it.

Rest easy, perform hard.

Happy Trails,



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