Do You Have A Subconscious Riding Block?

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She stared at the text for the third time, her fingers hovering over the keyboard.

Just hit send.

It was a simple message—following up with a trainer about a lesson. Nothing dramatic. Nothing life-or-death.

But her stomach clenched.

💥 What if they think I’m annoying?
💥 What if they’re too busy?
💥 Maybe I should wait…

So, she closed the app. Told herself she’d do it later.

She didn’t realize it, but this wasn’t just about a text. It was a pattern. Hesitating. Holding back. Avoiding.

And it was showing up in the saddle, too.

You know those moments when you know what you need to do in the saddle—but for some reason, you just…don’t do it? Maybe you hesitate to push for more in a run, avoid working on a tough maneuver, or feel frozen when it comes to making decisions about your training or competition plans.

That’s not a lack of discipline. That’s your subconscious mind at work.

Your mind controls more of your riding than you realize.

When your brain perceives a threat—whether it’s fear of failure, fear of being judged, or even fear of success—it triggers your nervous system’s stress response (fight, flight, or freeze).

That’s why you might feel:

➡️ Tense in your body during a big run

➡️ Doubt creeping in before you enter the pen

➡️ Frozen and overthinking instead of trusting your training

And over time? This chronic stress in your body will hold you back from riding at your best.

What’s Really Happening?

🧠 A subconscious block is a hidden belief or fear that prevents action or success. It forms through past experiences, conditioning, and self-doubt—shaping your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without you even realizing it.

And when it comes to riding? These blocks can quietly sabotage your confidence, progress, and performance.

So how do you know if one is holding you back?

come on please GIF by Flighthouse

👇 Here are some of the biggest subconscious blocks I see in riders:


Example: You’re a reiner preparing to show, but you spend your rides overanalyzing every mistake, obsessing over each transition, or feeling frustrated because your horse isn’t “perfect.” You spend hours perfecting your spins, but they’re never fast enough. The shutoff never crisp enough. You hesitate to enter a show because you don’t feel “ready enough.”

Why it happens: A subconscious fear of judgment or failure makes you feel like if it’s not perfect, you shouldn’t even try. You may fear being criticized by trainers, judges, or peers. So you delay entering that show to avoid criticism. 


Example: You keep putting off practicing your extended lope. Instead, you distract yourself with busywork like endlessly cleaning tack or reorganizing your trailer. It feels scary, uncomfortable and overwhelming to try and improve this maneuver. 

Why it happens: A subconscious fear of failure makes you delay action. If you don’t try, you can’t fail—so your brain protects you by keeping you stuck. 

Inconsistent Action

Example: You set big goals and make a plan, but when it comes to following through, you start skipping rides, making excuses, or losing motivation. Your progress feels “off and on” rather than steady.

Why it happens: A deep-seated belief that you’re not truly capable of reaching your goal leads to self-sabotage. You may unconsciously hold yourself back to avoid disappointment.

Fear of Failure

Example: You want to step up to the next level, but you hesitate to sign up for a clinic, enter a new division, or ride in front of others. The thought of “messing up” or not performing well makes you sweat through your shirt.

Why it happens: A subconscious fear of looking bad or being judged makes you hesitate. Your brain perceives failure as a threat, triggering avoidance.

Fear of Success

Example: You’re starting to ride better and get recognition, but instead of embracing it, you feel uneasy. You doubt whether you can maintain that level, and you find yourself pulling back just as things are going well. You dismiss your wins as “flukes” and feel overwhelmed at bigger shows. 

Why it happens: Success often comes with more pressure, expectations, or fear of outgrowing your current circle. The subconscious fear of change and success can hold you back from stepping into your full potential.


Example: You struggle to choose a trainer, a show schedule, or even which bit to use. You research endlessly, ask for advice, and second-guess every decision—leading to paralysis instead of progress.

Why it happens: Fear of making the wrong choice keeps you in limbo. Your brain tells you it’s safer to stay stuck than risk regret.

Resentment Toward Training

Example: You love riding, but sometimes you resent the effort it takes. You feel frustrated when things don’t go smoothly, or you feel annoyed at having to repeat the same drills.

Why it happens: Deep down, you might associate hard work with struggle or burnout. A subconscious belief that riding should always be fun and effortless can make structured training feel like a chore.

Fear of Being Seen

Example: You hesitate to ride in the warm-up pen or post videos of your rides. You feel uncomfortable with people watching and critique yourself more when riding in front of others.

Why it happens: A subconscious fear of judgment or criticism makes you want to stay “invisible” to avoid negative feedback.


Example: You have so many things to work on—position, timing, mindset, show prep—that it feels impossible to focus. Instead of making progress, you feel mentally exhausted and stuck.

Why it happens: Overwhelm is often a response to fear of failure or lack of clarity. Your brain shuts down instead of tackling one thing at a time.

Negative Self-Talk

Example: Before a ride, you think:

🚫 “I’m not good enough for this.”

🚫 “What if I mess up?”

🚫 “I’ll probably fail.”

Why it happens: These thoughts come from subconscious beliefs shaped by past experiences, pressure, or self-doubt. Over time, they create a mental pattern that limits your confidence and performance.

🔥 Ready to kick those blocks to the curb?

Good. Because these blocks aren’t permanent.

The moment you recognize them, you can start rewiring your mindset, shifting your patterns, and riding with more confidence, clarity, and success.

If any of this resonated with you, I’ve got something just for you.

I’m hosting a FREE masterclass (live tomorrow!!) where I’ll show you exactly how to train your mind like you train your horse—so you can break free from subconscious blocks, ride with confidence, and step into the success you deserve.

See ya inside!


P.S. You are NOT alone in this. Every rider faces these mental barriers at some point. But the ones who grow, win, and succeed? They don’t let these blocks stop them. And neither will you. 💪🐴 - SAVE YOUR SEAT HERE!


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