Finding Balance and Rest During the Holiday Season

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Hey there friend!  

As we find ourselves in the midst of the holiday season, we often find ourselves at a crossroads—should we push through and work hard during this time, or should we take a well-deserved break? It's a question that's been on our minds too, and we wanted to share some insights with you in this special holiday edition of our newsletter.

The Importance of Rest

Research consistently shows that taking time off and resting is crucial for our mental and physical well-being. We often hear about the benefits of hard work and hustle, but it's equally important to recognize that rest is not a sign of weakness; it's a necessary part of the journey to success. When we rest, we allow our bodies and minds to recharge, which ultimately leads to increased productivity, creativity, and overall happiness.

Being Present

During the holiday season, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of festivities and forget to be present in the moment. We urge you to pause and savor the time spent with loved ones, to appreciate the beauty of the season, and to reflect on the year gone by. Being present not only enriches your life but also helps you connect with yourself and those around you on a deeper level.

Choosing Your Path

Here's the thing: there's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how you should approach the holidays. Some may find joy in working hard and pursuing their goals, while others may choose to take a more relaxed, extended break. What's essential is that you make a conscious choice that aligns with your values and priorities. Remember, success is not measured solely by how busy you are during the holidays, but by how you use the time wisely.

The Power of the New Year

While the period between Christmas and New Year's Eve is often seen as a time for reflection and planning, we believe that what truly matters is what you do between New Year's Day and Christmas. It's the consistent effort and dedication you put into your goals throughout the year that make the difference. So, whether you decide to work or rest during the holidays, keep your long-term vision in mind.

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Starting the New Year Right

If you're looking for guidance on how to set your course for the new year, we invite you to listen to Resilient Reiner Podcast Episode 56. In this episode, we delve deep into insights from the past year and provide valuable tips and exercises to help you kickstart your journey in the right direction. Be sure to use the accompanying free workbook to gain valuable insights and set clear intentions for the upcoming year. (Check your email from us on 12/21/23!)

In closing, we want to remind you that the holiday season is a time for balance—balancing work and rest, ambition and reflection, and being present in the moment. We hope this newsletter has given you some valuable perspectives on how to navigate this special time of year.

Wishing you a peaceful and joyful holiday season,

Nicole & Abe Burnett

Co-founders of Resilient Reiner


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