From Imposter to Cowgirl Rockstar: How I Made My Cowgirl Hat My Superpower


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Hey there, Resilient Riders!

Imagine this: You’re standing at the edge of the show pen, heart racing, your mind buzzing with thoughts about everything that could go wrong. Your horse is ready, your trainer is watching, but all you can think about is whether you even belong here. The pressure is on, and instead of feeling like a confident cowgirl, you’re questioning everything, right down to the hat on your head.

That was me a couple of years ago.

During a recent 1:1 coaching session, I was reminded of this exact feeling when a client shared a similar struggle. It brought back memories of my own journey—a journey that taught me how a simple accessory like a cowboy hat could either make or break my confidence.

Let me take you back to that time...

This story is not just about overcoming a mental hurdle but also about how a small, seemingly insignificant thing can have a massive impact on your confidence and performance.

A couple of years ago, I found myself in a situation that might sound familiar to some of you. I had this beautiful cowboy hat—one I was supposed to wear at shows—but I was seriously uncomfortable wearing it. Now, you might be thinking, “It’s just a hat, what’s the big deal?” But trust me, it was a big deal.

Big Deal Slip GIF by The Roku Channel

Every time I put it on, I felt like a total imposter! Instead of feeling confident and ready to ride, I was drained, distracted, and mentally exhausted. I felt like a poser, and despite decades of riding, my brain very unhelpfully kept suggesting I wasn’t a “real” cowgirl like girls who work on a ranch. Or who had actual cows. (Honestly, even when we got cattle of our own this still seemed to pop up for me. Brains). All my energy went into worrying about how I looked and what people were thinking, leaving very little for what actually mattered: riding my horse.

One day, I realized something had to change. I was tired of feeling this way and letting something as simple as a stupid hat sap my confidence. So, I made a conscious decision: I was going to wear the damn hat. I decided I was a cowgirl. That’s that. 

And not just at shows. I wore it everywhere—around the barn, running errands, even just around the house. At first, it felt strange, like I was pretending to be someone I wasn’t. But slowly, something shifted. The more I wore it, the more natural it felt. And one day, it hit me: this hat wasn’t just a piece of clothing anymore. It had become my signature accessory, something that made me feel like a cowgirl rockstar.

Clint Eastwood Nod GIF by GritTV

When I got back in the show pen, that hat no longer distracted me. Instead, it felt like an extension of who I was. The imposter syndrome? Gone. I wasn’t just wearing a cowboy hat; I was owning it.

This experience reminded me how many of us struggle with similar feelings of being an imposter or letting small things drain our mental resources. Whether it’s a hat, a piece of tack, or even the way we talk to ourselves, these things can either empower us or hold us back.

So, here’s my challenge to you:

  • What’s your “cowboy hat”? What’s that one thing that’s distracting you, making you feel like you don’t quite belong?

    Identify it, face it head-on, and decide to own it. Because the moment you do, you’ll find that it loses its power over you, and you’ll reclaim your mental resources for what truly matters—being the confident, resilient rider you are.

Write back and let me know what’s your “cowboy hat”. 

As always, I’m here to help you on this journey. If you’re struggling with something similar, let’s talk about it. You’re not alone in this, and together, we can turn those mental blocks into your new superpower.

Stay resilient,  


The Rider’s Mental Coach, Founder Resilient Reiner Academy

P.S. I’d love to hear from you! What’s one thing you’re focusing on for your next run? Hit reply and share your thoughts—I’m here to support you every step of the way!

P.P.S. Ready for more?! Join me in Resilient Reiner Academy to develop your own unshakable confidence as a rider. Learn to ride, train, and compete with the confidence of a champion for more joy and success in the saddle. 


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