How to Be A More Confident Rider: 7 Tips That Work


Many people think that confidence is a fixed trait, like your eye color or your boot size. You’re either confident or your not, and there’s no changing that!

But that’s not true.

Confidence is a muscle, and like any muscle, it can be trained and strengthened. 

If you started weight lifting, you wouldn’t expect to lift 200 pounds on your first day, right? So why assume you should be radiating confidence from the start?

Think of it like this: Imagine your confidence like a bank account that starts out with just a few copper pennies. But every time you step outside your comfort zone, ride past something scary, or celebrate a win in the saddle, you make a deposit.

Sure, those first few deposits might be small — a compliment from a stranger at a show, nailing a tricky transition, finally wearing your amazing show outfit without feeling self-conscious.

But with each deposit, your confidence grows, like interest compounding over time.

Confidence in the saddle isn’t something only a lucky few have; it’s something you can grow and improve with time and practice.

In today’s Resilient Reiner Premium episode, I share 7 surefire ways to develop confidence as a rider.

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