🎙️Podcast Alert! How The Magic of Mantras Can Transform Your Performance

Ep 11


🔮Tap Into The Magic of Mantras🔮 The Equestrian Breakthrough 🐎💫 You've Been Waiting For!

Have you ever found yourself saying, “Breathe” repeatedly to yourself under your breath while you ride? Or telling your horse, “Steady, steady” before you begin? Well, then you already have experience with mantras!

In this latest podcast episode we look at mantras: what they are, how we can construct them, and how they can be a powerful tool for improved, lower-stress, performance. These powerful intention setters act as a shortcut for the brain, focusing our attention and sparking our emotional state to productively focus our energy.

What you expect to take away from this episode:

  • 💭 Understanding Mantras: How mantras, these repetitive words or phrases, can focus and motivate us riders.

  • 📝 Creating Your Own Mantras: In this episode, I guide you through creating your own personal riding mantras. I shared a few examples and tips on crafting your own mantras.

  • 🔥Mantras for Various Situations: I share mantras to help you whether you have a Need for Speed, Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, Perseverance, and mantras for Competition Day.

These mantras can help you fly fast, slide long, rope that doggy, or nail your transitions. Don't be afraid to repeat your mantra before and during your ride. Be mindful of any negative thoughts that might creep in and remember, the best riding mantras don't have to be clever, groundbreaking, or original, they just need to work for you.

So take a listen, and craft the perfect, personal mantra for you!

Happy Trails!


🚀 Ready to Transform Your Journey? Let's Dive In! 🚀

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Our Mastermind Program is our premium, as exclusive-as-it-gets offering, featuring rider transformation retreats, personalized one-on-one coaching, and collaborative group coaching, and so much more. 🏆 Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have something that will take you to the next level.

💖 Thank you for being part of our vibrant community! Until next time, we look forward to catching up with you soon! 👋


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