Missed These? Our Top 3 Most-Listened Recent Episodes You Need to Catch Up On!

Podcast Roundup!

Howdy, friend!

I know life can get pretty hectic, and it’s easy for those golden nuggets of podcast wisdom to slip through the cracks. That’s why this week I’ve rounded up 3 of the most impactful recent podcasts you might have missed. Each episode is filled with insights that could take your riding to the next level and might even transform the way you approach everything in your life.

So, if you’re ready for a hearty dose of inspiration and a few aha moments, let’s dive in. Here are 3 episodes you don’t want to miss!

We’re halfway through the year—can you believe it? If you’re anything like me, you might be feeling a bit stuck or caught in the trap of chasing perfection. This episode is a bit of a wake-up call, and it’s packed with two key messages that helped me refocus and might just do the same for you. Let’s break free from that perfectionism trap together and start making real, meaningful progress.

Why You Should Listen:

  • It’s a reminder that consistency, not perfection, is what moves the needle in both riding and life.

  • You’ll discover how to tap into your true potential and set goals that actually propel you forward.

  • Practical tips to kick self-doubt to the curb and turn it into the motivation you need.

Take a breather, tune in, and let’s make the second half of your year your best yet.

Have you been putting in the work but still feel like you’re not seeing the progress you deserve? Or maybe there’s that nagging fear holding you back just when you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Trust me, I’ve been there. This episode dives deep into those mental hurdles riders face and gives you the tools to break through them. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just starting out, you'll find valuable lessons on building resilience, sharpening your focus, and cultivating a mindset that drives success.

Why You Should Listen:

  • Your mindset is the key to unlocking your full potential—this episode will show you why.

  • You’ll learn how to identify and bust through the mental barriers that have been holding you back.

  • Get actionable strategies to build resilience and develop that winning mindset we all strive for.

Don’t let your mind be the thing that holds you back—let’s tackle this together.

Okay, this one is really close to my heart. What if the key to conquering your fears isn’t about making them disappear, but about changing your focus? In this episode, I share something that completely shifted my perspective on fear and how it was holding me back in my horsemanship. It’s not about getting rid of those nerves but learning how to redirect that energy into something powerful. This shift in perspective allowed me to step into my true power as a rider—and it can do the same for you.

Why You Should Listen:

  • Sometimes, trying to eliminate negative thoughts only makes them stronger—this episode explains why.

  • Learn how to embrace your fears and actually use them to your advantage.

  • I share some personal stories and practical tips that helped me (and can help you) ride with more confidence than ever.

Ready to unlock the confident, kick-ass rider you were meant to be? This episode could be your turning point.

If any of these episodes resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it! Share your thoughts with me on Instagram @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner. And if you found value in the show, leaving a review on iTunes would mean the world to me and help others discover these insights too.

Let’s keep the conversation going—together, we can grow as riders and as individuals.

Ride with confidence,


PS- Ever wondered what it's like to ride your horse without a bridle? Imagine the deep connection, trust, and pure freedom that comes with communicating with your horse without any physical restraints. Next week on the Resilient Reiner podcast, we’re diving into this incredible world with a special guest who’s mastered the art of bridleless riding. She'll share her secrets to building an unbreakable bond with her horse and how you can tap into this level of harmony, too. Whether you're looking to deepen your connection with your horse or just curious about this breathtaking approach, you won’t want to miss this episode!


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