Show Pen Success: Master it in Style! 🐎✨

The Power of Practicing in Your Show Clothes

Dazzling at Home, Dud at the Show

The Power of Practicing in Your Show Clothes

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Are you fit to be tied? Frustrated that your lessons go swimmingly and practices are perfection, yet your show runs are a cacophony of errors?

Fear not, we've got your back!

Introducing the secret sauce: practicing as you will show.

It might sound bonkers, but we guarantee that if you experiment with the tips we're sharing, starting today, you'll start plus-ing your spins, stops, and circles where it really counts: at the big show.

Today, we're diving into the powerful role your wardrobe plays in either propelling you to success or holding you back in the show pen. 💥👗🐎

Fashionable Nicole at the IRHA Show in Heber City, UT

Fashion Forward in the Ring

Picture this: It's show day, and you're all set to dazzle in your new stylish attire—be it a shimmery blouse, sleek button-down shirt, tailored pants, boots, belt, or statement jewelry. Having honed your skills, you can't wait to make a lasting impression in the ring with your eye-catching ensemble. 🌟👚👕🐎

But then, your performance falters—errors, bobbles, and a low score deflate your once-beaming confidence.

What went wrong?

The answer is simple: Show day isn't the time to debut new attire, boots, or makeup. To maximize practice effectiveness, always practice as you intend to perform. This means wearing your show clothes, tack, and boots to get comfortable and focused.

Our friend Abe, a former teenage violin prodigy, aced recitals by practicing in his formal attire—dress shirt, shoes, belt, and all. Initially, he'd struggle, but soon, he'd feel as comfortable in his dress clothes as in his casual wear.

By embracing this discomfort now, you'll be at ease come showtime. Your "show clothes" will boost your confidence instead of causing distraction.

New clothes can trigger self-conscious thoughts: Will others judge your ensemble? What do they think of your color coordination or lipstick shade? Do they notice your clothes are new? To banish these thoughts, break in your show clothes well before the event.

We're not against investing in eye-catching show attire; just make sure to purchase and practice in them well in advance. Aim for at least a month of practice wearing your new clothes—enough time to feel comfortable without wearing them out. 😉

A Fashionable Finale

In conclusion, dear reader:

  1. Don't let your wardrobe outshine your skills.

  2. Embrace your fabulous show clothes, but practice in them well before the big event.

  3. Break in those new duds and become one with your dazzling ensemble.

Remember, you have the potential to shine! Let nothing—not even the snazziest new outfit—distract you from shining bright in the show pen. Now go forth, practice like a pro, and knock their socks off when it's showtime, you fabulous reiner, you! 😉🌟

A poll, just for fun (you can see the results after you vote):

Do you have a "show outfit" that you only wear for showing?

Shirts, pants, boots, tack, jewelry, makeup, ...

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What’s been your experience with the impact of new clothes and gear on your performance in the pen? Drop a comment!

Until next time, thanks for reading!

Warm regards,


PS: Please do forward this email to anyone you think would get some mileage out of it. Thanks!

🔥 PPS: Exciting News! 📢 Introducing our specialized performance coaching services, designed exclusively for non-pro reining enthusiasts! Now available for just $45 for 45-minute sessions, our program goes beyond traditional training to unlock your full potential in the show pen. For a limited time, we're offering special pricing to the first 10 clients who act fast. ⏳

Here's your chance to join a new wave of reiners who are experiencing game-changing coaching that focuses on the mental and strategic aspects of the sport, rather than just physical riding skills. All we ask for is your valuable feedback in the form of a testimonial after our fourth session. ✍️

Don't miss out! Grab your spot by visiting this exclusive link to schedule a $45 introductory chat for a 45-minute session tailored to your specific reining goals. 🎁

Our program is designed to complement your existing training and elevate your performance by addressing mindset, strategy, and mental resilience. If our innovative approach resonates with you, we invite you to lock in our special pricing for weekly 45-minute coaching sessions throughout the rest of 2023.

But hurry – this incredible $45 offer for 45-minute sessions is limited to the first 10 clients only! After that, the price will increase by $50/hr for each subsequent cohort of 10 clients. Act fast and claim your opportunity to redefine your reining success today at this unbeatable price. 💥

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