🎙️Podcast Alert! The Hidden Impact of Neglecting Mental Performance: A Rider's Story

And we dropped another episode of Resilient Reiner Meditations

Hey, it's Nicole, host of the Resilient Reiner podcast and newsletter. In this week’s new episode, I share a story about a rider who neglected the mental aspect of her riding, leading to various challenges. Using this story, I then explore the importance of mental training and provide actionable tips to handle anxiety and nervousness at competitions.

Story Introduction

Today's story revolves around Sarah, a skilled rider with a beautiful paint horse, who had a winning streak in competitions. She became overconfident, neglecting mental preparation and assuming victory based on her physical abilities alone. However, as the pressure increased, Sarah started experiencing nerves and anxiety, affecting her composure and leading to subpar performances. She struggled to bounce back from failures, and her confidence dwindled, impacting her ability to make necessary adjustments mentally and physically.

Mental Issues Explored in Sarah's Story

Throughout Sarah's journey, several mental issues contributed to her challenges:

  1. Overconfidence: Sarah underestimated challenges and ignored mental preparation, hindering her ability to cope with pressure.

  2. Lack of Focus: Complacency due to consistent success led to a lack of focus during rides, resulting in errors and miscues.

  3. Anxiety and Nervousness: As the stakes increased, Sarah experienced anxiety and nervousness, affecting her composure and performance.

  4. Handling Pressure: Sarah struggled to handle the pressure from spectators, peers, and her own expectations, impacting her confidence.

  5. Lack of Resilience: Sarah's declining performance led to a lack of resilience and difficulty in bouncing back from failures.

  6. Lack of Imagination: Sarah found it challenging to imagine life being different from her current struggles, hindering her progress.

Actionable Tips for Managing Anxiety and Nervousness

To address anxiety and nervousness at competitions, consider the following tips:

  1. Define Your Own Success: Shift focus from winning to specific, measurable tasks that contribute to a successful performance, such as perfecting certain skills during your ride.

  2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your riding goals into measurable and attainable steps that challenge you to improve specific skills, helping you focus on the process rather than just the outcome.


Sarah's story highlights the critical role the mental aspect plays in horse riding. Overcoming fear, building confidence, and developing focus and resilience are as vital as physical skills. Don't ignore the mental dimension of your riding and showing, as it can greatly impact your success. Remember, behind every successful horse-rider duo is a profound understanding of the rider's mindset.

Also, last Saturday, we dropped a brand new meditations episode:

Meditations: I Am Not My Thoughts, I Am The Observer (with Abe Burnett)

In this episode of Resilient Reiner Meditations, join Abe as he leads you through another guided meditation tailored to cultivate mindfulness, overcome negative thoughts, and strengthen the connection with your horse.

Key Moments:

  • Find a tranquil space: Settle into a comfortable position in a quiet and peaceful environment, inviting calmness into your body and mind.

  • Embrace mindful breathing: Learn to focus on your breath and find stillness within yourself.

  • Visualize the show pen: Immerse yourself in the experience of riding into the show pen, feeling the excitement and anticipation.

  • The empowering mantra: Repeat the guiding phrase, "I am not my thoughts. I am the observer," aligning it with your breath.

  • Letting go of anxiety and doubt: Release negative thoughts like smoke, making space for peace and connection with your horse.

  • Detachment from thoughts: Visualize your thoughts as leaves on a stream, learning not to cling to them but observe them with grace.

  • Connecting with your future self: Meet your confident future self, receiving wisdom and guidance to become the rider you aspire to be.

  • Expressing gratitude: Appreciate yourself for dedicating time to personal growth and improvement as both a rider and a human being.

Highlighted Quotes:

  • "I am not my thoughts. I am the observer."

  • "In this serene state, you can truly connect with your horse, feel their rhythm, their energy, their trust in you."

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Don't miss the chance to deepen your confidence with our free guide, "Develop Unshakable Confidence with 6 Mental Workouts for Equestrians." Visit https://go.resilientreiner.com/6-mental-workouts to download your copy today.



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