🎙️Podcast Alert! Resilient Reiner Meditations: The 5-4-3-2-1 Method for Peace Under Pressure

Ep 8

Hi there!

Abe here, welcoming you to a special meditation companion episode to "Rein in the Chaos", Episode #2 of our Resilient Reiner podcast. In today's meditation, I'm thrilled to guide you through the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique. This mindfulness tool proves to be an effective aid in cultivating presence, focus, and calm, especially useful in high-stress moments like during riding performances.

I'll lead you through the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique. We'll engage all our senses, helping you pull away from overwhelming emotions or thoughts and anchor yourself firmly in the now.

You'll need to find a comfortable space where you can immerse yourself fully in this practice. We'll begin with deep, slow breaths and with eyes gently closed, preparing ourselves to delve into the serenity of the present moment.

Our sensory journey starts by acknowledging five things you can see. I'll guide your imagination to paint a vivid image of your surroundings. We then shift to identifying four things you can touch, drawing emphasis on your physical connection with your horse and the arena. Next, we'll tune into three things we can hear, opening your awareness to the natural symphony that surrounds us. As we shift to our sense of smell, we'll appreciate two things you can smell, deeply connecting with the familiar scents of the arena and your horse. Finally, our grounding experience reaches a satisfying close as we recognize one thing you can taste.

After this sensory immersion, take a moment to appreciate the harmony of your surroundings, the unity of your senses, and the tranquil awareness you've created within your mind. Gradually, I'll guide you to reintroduce gentle movements into your fingers and toes, slowly opening your eyes while retaining this newfound tranquility.

This calming and centered feeling is an anchor you can call upon whenever you need it. With the reins of your mind in your hands, you have the power to ground yourself, dissolve fear, and enhance focus. I encourage you to practice this technique regularly—at home, at horse shows, or whenever you feel overwhelmed.

As you continue to participate in horse shows, remember this mindfulness technique. Consider it your secret weapon to stay grounded, deepen your connection with your horse, and deliver your best performance.

Thank you for dedicating this time to mindfulness and for joining me in this meditation. Until next time, stay resilient, stay grounded, and enjoy the ride.


How we can support YOU right now:

If you found value in this session, you'll love our FREE FREE YOUR MIND AND ROCK YOUR RIDING 3-day live challenge starting June 19th. It's a transformative experience designed to help western riders, like you, build a resilient and adaptable mindset.

Secure your spot by June 18th, to get started on Monday, June 19th.

Register now at www.resilientreiner.com/freemymind and be part of this unique journey to unlock your potential in and out of the show pen. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing.


or to participate.