Seven Myths – And Facts –About Mental Toughness

Seven Myths – And Facts –About Mental Toughness

Howdy, folks! When we talk about being a top-notch Western rider, it's not just about the hours spent in the saddle, or even the quality of your horse; it's also about your mental game. You've probably heard a few things about what it takes to be "mentally tough," but how much of that is straight-shootin' truth, and how much is just cowboy legend? I’ve rounded up 7 common myths around mental toughness, and we’ll have a short n’ sweet newsletter laying out the true facts. This is what Chuck Norris would tell you about mental toughness. Saddle up and let's get to busting some mental toughness myths!

Myth 1: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Fact: You wouldn't wait until your saddle's cinch snaps to give it a good look-over or replace it. Just like you proactively maintain your tack, you should practice mental toughness skills daily. Being proactive might just save you from unnecessary spills or losses down the line.

Myth 2: Mental toughness is just something you're born with.

Fact: Wrong, partner. Mental toughness isn't something you either have or you don't.. Just like our technical riding skills, it's a skill you can learn and refine at any age. While there are advantages to starting earlier, the sooner you saddle up with these skills, the quicker they'll become second nature when you're in the ring.

Myth 3: Mental toughness is all in your head.

Fact: Your mind and body are as interconnected as a good horse-and-rider team. So to truly develop mental toughness, we practice skills focused on the mental aspects like positive self-talk help tackle nerves; and we practice other skills, like controlled breathing, that help keep you calm by keeping your physical reactions in check.

Myth 4: Building mental toughness is a solo ride.

Fact: Ever heard of a lone ranger without Tonto? Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok. The Cisco Kid and Pancho. We need each other. A strong support network boosts your resilience when the trail gets rocky. Seeking support, encouragement, and even constructive criticism from folks around you can fortify your mental toughness.

Myth 5: Mentally tough cowboys and cowgirls never stress.

Fact: Everybody feels the heat sometimes, even the toughest among us. What separates the tough riders is how they balance life's fast pace with proper downtime—think of healthy sleep patterns, stress-busting techniques, and planned breaks to recharge.

Myth 6: Mental toughness means locking away your feelings.

Fact: Not even close. Being mentally tough is not about ignoring emotions. It’s about handling your emotions in ways that propel you forward. How can you find helpful and constructive ways to deal with tough emotions and express your feelings. It's about knowing when to let out a "yeehaw" and when to rein in your frustrations, using even difficult emotions like anger or frustration as fuel for better performance.

Myth 7: Mentally tough riders never fail or hit the dirt.

Fact: Face it, everyone eats dust once in a while. What matters is how you pick yourself up. In fact, mentally tough people are so busy challenging themselves, they’re “failing” all the time! The difference is when things don’t turn out as planned, mentally tough riders scrutinize their goofs, seek advice, adjust their strategies, and put in the elbow grease to prevent future fumbles.

Riding tall in the saddle means more than just having good form; it's also about having a mental edge. And we all know if you saddle up with the wrong ideas you're in for a bumpy ride. But just as we'd never let our tack go without proper care, we shouldn't let our minds go without proper preparation, either. The fact is, mental toughness is like a well-oiled saddle; it takes time, maintenance, and knowledge to keep it in peak condition. So next time you hear one of these myths running around the stable, you'll be ready to lasso it with some good ol' fashioned facts.

Happy Trails,


PS: Take Your Riding to the Next Level with Our “Develop Unshakable Confidence” Free Mental Skills Training! → STARTING THIS THURSDAY!! ←

If you enjoyed this issue, check out our FREE 3-part online training for Western riders - it's 100% free to attend!

Our last series was a big hit, with riders gaining powerful mental strategies and hands-on exercises to build confidence, master emotions, and develop champion focus.

Whether you compete or ride for pleasure, this FREE training series helps deepen the bond with your horse and conquer those mental obstacles holding you back.

The training is free, but spots are limited so reserve your seat today!

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