Strategic Riding: Applying Ancient Battle Wisdom to Modern Equestrian Challenges

Lessons from The Art of War

Dear Rider,

In the midst of my daily routines, coaching, and riding, I recently found myself engrossed in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. It’s one of those books “everyone” talks about, so I finally read the damn thing. It struck me how much of his ancient wisdom applies not just to generals in battle, but also to us as riders in the arena. Today, I want to share some of these strategic insights that can elevate your riding, almost as if we’re preparing for battle ourselves.

Cue obligatory 90s movie reference: I was so inspired by Mulan galloping on her horse as a kid. Anyone else?

Preparation and Planning

Every competition we enter is a battle we’ve chosen. The secret to success? Preparation. For us as riders this means knowing the course inside out. Understand the pattern, any obstacles, understand your horse’s current condition, your condition, and enter every competition with a well-thought-out plan. Just as a general wouldn’t march without a map, a rider shouldn’t enter the arena without a strategy.

Know Yourself and Your Horse

Sun Tzu said, “Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be in peril.” For us, the battle isn’t against an external enemy but against our own limits and those of our horses. Take time to truly understand your strengths and the unique characteristics of your horse. This knowledge lets you choose battles that play to your strengths, enhancing your chances of victory. 

I spoke about this on a coaching call this past week. We were talking about tactical preparation, and I said, don’t miss out on the points you can get plussing your stops by not practicing them at all because you’re spending too much time before the show trying to move your circles from 0s to +½ and you’re not there yet. Know your strengths and play to them. 

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The ability to adapt is crucial in battle as it is in riding. Sometimes, despite our best laid plans, things change—the weather turns, or our horse is unexpectedly tense. Adaptability means adjusting your strategy based on these conditions. It’s about being observant and responsive, not just sticking rigidly to a plan.

Use of Terrain

A general uses the terrain to his advantage, and so should a rider. Understand the layout of the arena, note where the shadows fall, where the ground might be firmer, or where distractions are most likely. Using this knowledge can give you an edge, making your ride smoother and more strategic.

Energy and Timing

In The Art of War, timing is everything. Knowing when to conserve energy and when to push hard can be the difference between winning and losing. In riding, it’s about feeling the rhythm and pace, knowing when your horse is ready to give its best and pacing your ride to make the most of these moments.

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Psychological Warfare

The psychological game is very much a part of competitive riding. Whether you are facing off against your own inner demons or mean girls trying to take you down a notch, it’s a part of the game. Maintaining your composure, especially under pressure, can prevent your horse from picking up on your anxiety. A calm, confident presence can also unsettle your competitors, giving you a psychological edge.


Finally, remember that in the saddle, you are the leader. Your horse looks to you for cues and reassurance. Leading with wisdom, courage, and compassion will build a trusting relationship, allowing both of you to perform at your best.

As we approach each competition like a well-planned campaign, let’s take these lessons from Sun Tzu to heart. Prepare diligently, adapt wisely, and lead bravely. Together, you and your horse can achieve more than just good rides; you can achieve victories worthy of the greatest generals.

Ride strong,

Nicole Burnett

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