The ONE thing 90% of riders aren’t doing (and it’s holding them back!)

Hi friend!

Want to know a secret? 👀

Almost 90% of the riders I work with are not doing this ONE thing…

And it's kinda huge.

The thing they are not doing helps with:

🔥 Easily dropping into flow state in the saddle

🔥 Smoothly moving through any sticky spots in your training for steady, effortless progress

🔥 Building unshakable confidence in the saddle to handle whatever the day’s ride throws your way

🔥 Staying calm as a cucumber and focused under pressure

🔥 Creating the mental edge that wins championships

🔥 And so much more!

Can you guess what it is?


And here is why 90% avoid it.

✅ They don’t know where to start.

✅ They don’t know what the heck to visualize

✅ They think it's going to take too much time.

✅ They believe they “aren’t good at visualization.”

✅ They’re unsure how to use it effectively for riding success.


As your mental coaching for riders expert.

Did you think I'd leave you hanging?



I’m hosting a Mental Rehearsal for Riders Masterclass to teach you my updated, game-changing mental rehearsal process-customized for us riders!

And let me tell you… It’s going to blow your mind.

Join here! ← 

And you will finally know exactly:

  • A proven step-by-step mental rehearsal process that’ll boost your confidence and focus—both in the arena and during training.

  • Actual examples of how to use visualization to prepare for rides, master patterns, and handle high-pressure situations.

  • Techniques and hacks that work even if you think you “aren’t visual” or don’t have time for long mental sessions.

  • A step-by-step guide to create your own visualizations to target your exact riding challenges.

By the end of this masterclass, you’ll know WHY visualization is essential and HOW to use it effectively.

And the best part? You’ll have the tools to:

  • Ride with more confidence than ever before no matter what shenanigans your horse pulls

  • Work through penalty-causing situations at home so your scores can increase (BY A LOT)

  • Break through mental blocks and perform at your best when it matters most. (Show nerves: handled)

  • Turn your mental practice into real, tangible results in the saddle.

See ya inside!

Ride On With Confidence, 


PS- If you made it to the bottom, I want you to know I have a special secret code for Resilient Reiner Newsletter Subscribers ONLY! 🙏 As a thank you to you for being here and being amazing, I am offering 50% OFF to the first ten folks who register for the masterclass. Just use code FIRSTTEN. It’s my gift to you! 🥳 🥂 


or to participate.