This is your problem! šŸ¤Æ


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Ok, maybe itā€™s the full moon, but Iā€™m feeling spicy! šŸŒ•

This Is Your Problem

Your lack of confidence is holding you back.

Folks gonna love ya or hate ya no matter what. F*ck it and do you anyways. Dance if you wanna.

Let ā€˜em watch you win.

Hereā€™s some uncomfortable truths Iā€™ve learned as a rider

šŸ”„ You need thick(er) skin. 

Damn does everybody and their mama have an opinion. Yes, it seems so. Figure out how to set boundaries around your own energy. Focus on you, boo. They arenā€™t riding your horse or paying your bills. Take time to develop a mental shield, something that protects you from the unnecessary noise and lets you concentrate on what truly matters ā€“ your growth and your horse's progress. Remember, opinions are just that, opinions. And ā€œtheirā€ opinion isnā€™t the one that counts. Itā€™s you and your trusted circle. Thatā€™s it. Your journey is unique and valid.

šŸ”„ Time block! 

This one kills me with the horses because I want to float like a magical fairy riding my unicornā€¦ but seriously, time block. Set aside time to train your horse and train your mind. Your future self will thank you. Dedicate specific hours to different aspects of your training ā€“ one slot for physical exercises, another for mental conditioning. This structured approach ensures that you cover all bases and steadily progress towards your goals. No more chaotic schedules; itā€™s time to be disciplined and intentional.

šŸ”„ You canā€™t bake the cake faster. 

Good things take time, and realize that your horse isnā€™t trained overnight and neither is your horse. Donā€™t give up. Patience is a virtue in the riding world. Understand that every step, no matter how small, is a step forward. Embrace the slow progress and celebrate the small victories. Consistency and perseverance are your best allies on this journey. Your horse and you will grow together, one step at a time.

šŸ”„ Move your body! 

And yes, I mean aside from riding your horse. You will feel soooo much better.  Incorporate cross-training activities like yoga, pilates, weight lifting, or even just regular walks. These activities not only improve your overall fitness but also enhance your riding performance. A fit rider is a more effective and balanced rider. Plus, it keeps you energized and less prone to injuries.

šŸ”„ Gratitude will change your life. 

Iā€™m not even kidding, cowboy. Dooooo ittttttt. Start a gratitude journal. Every day, jot down three things youā€™re grateful for, related to your riding journey. It could be a new skill you mastered, a beautiful moment with your horse, or even the support from your riding community. Gratitude shifts your focus from whatā€™s lacking to whatā€™s abundant in your life. It fosters a positive mindset and keeps you motivated.

šŸ”„ Learn to love the process. 

Embrace the messy. The discomfort. The embarrassing middle. The journey to mastery as a horseman - if you can ever truly master this stuff - is filled with ups and downs. Itā€™s messy, and thatā€™s okay. Learn to find joy in the learning process itself. The mistakes where you totally flub that down transition, the struggles to improve your feel, the little triumphs like when you feel glorious self carriage for single, incredible stride ā€“ they all contribute to your growth as a horseman. Each phase has its beauty and significance. So, relish the ride, even when itā€™s bumpy.

šŸ”„ No shame in being a beginner. You donā€™t have to be great or even good to start. Just start, and get 1% better every day. Every expert was once a beginner. Acknowledge where you are right now and be proud of it. Focus on daily improvements, no matter how small. Over time, these small gains accumulate into significant progress. Itā€™s about the journey, not just the destination.

As a rider, you need resilience, you need a mental strategy, you need all the things. But first, you need to start. First, you need to develop confidence as a rider. You need that confidence to believe success is possible for you. Once you get a taste of confidence as success, youā€™re gonna be all in on developing focus and resilience.

Your next step to becoming a confident rider šŸ‘‡

If youā€™re ready to transform into a rider with unwavering confidence and focus, checkout my free masterclass on developing your unshakable confidence as a rider. Check out the Resilient Reiner Academy now! Imagine riding with a mindset so strong that nerves, doubts, and distractions no longer hold you back.

No more being paralyzed by anxiety or losing steam halfway through your goals. Itā€™s time to harness your full potential and ride with the assurance and determination of a true champion.

Will you take the leap to elevate your riding journey? Donā€™t let another ride slip by while you're tangled in self-doubt.

Now is your moment. Letā€™s make it happen!

Join me in Resilient Reiner Academy and discover the confidence you need to ride at your peak. ā¤ļø šŸ™Œ

Happy Trails,



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