Top Riders Aren’t Better Than You. They Just Know the “How”

Coming home from another jackpot. From another reining. 

Your hat in your hand. Feeling a little sheepish. Like “who were you to think you could do well?!” Like, “really…”

You thought those other riders were better than you. 

They have more money. 

They have a nicer truck.

They have a better bred horse.

They have better habits. 

Their horse is in full time training. 

They have lots of things I don’t have. 

You explain it all away. 

But really, if all those riders with 74 horses were guaranteed to win, why would you dare show up with your 70 or 72 horse? That’s a reining example. But it applies to all the western disciplines. 

Underneath it all, we are not so different. Underneath it all, we are the same. 

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Is that a comfortable or uncomfortable thought for you?

That underneath it all, we aren’t better than Sally Sue, and you know what, she’s not better than you either. 

No matter if you have a barrel saddle, or a reining saddle. No matter the breeding of your horse, and where you live, we’re all the same. We’re all more “same” than we are different. 

So why is Betty bringing home the buckles and you’re kicking the dirt?

You just don’t know the “how”. The dirty details. 

Let me inspire you.

Have you ever heard the saying, “If they can do it, I can do it, too.” I LOVE this saying!

It is such a powerful perspective! To shift your mindset so that instead of being beat up and beat down by how well someone else is riding, you become inspired by and encouraged that they have demonstrated the possibility. 

The possibility of a smooth, well executed second barrel. 

The possibility of a perfect shut-off after 4 high speed turns.

The possibility of breeding your mare and raising up a World Champion. 

And if it is possible for them, it’s possible for you, too. 

Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi, Fallon Taylor, Jason Vanlandingham, Abby Lengel, Shawn Flarida all have one thing in common. The one thing you don’t have. They have the “how”.

They know how to get maximum performance from their horses. They know how to quiet their brains for maximum focus and performance in the arena. They know how to nurture their confidence and their horse’s confidence so they know they are a winner before they ever enter the pen. They know how to become the best at their own mental and physical training routine. 

It’s just based on how. 

(They do say the devil is in the details, after all). 

You might want to be the best in your ranch riding class. 

The best rider in the class is no different than you. She gets the same lessons from her trainer (“Eyes up! Hands down! Don’t beg your horse!”) Her horse also has four legs and you’re competing in the same class with the same rules. You both ride the same days per week. 

So what’s the difference? 

She knows the how. 

There’s a reason even the pros take lessons from other pros. (They don’t call it that, but they sure as heck call each other up and say, “tell me what you think” or they go and ride together). 

There’s value in learning from masters of the craft. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. It’s ok to learn from those that have gone before. 

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It works. 

It’s the “how” of success. 

Let me give you a 3-step process for “how” and success. 

  1. Determine what you want to master

What are you trying to master? For me, I’d say reining. Maybe you have a certain aspect of your riding you want to improve. Or maybe it’s your confidence in the saddle. 

Pro tip: Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. Focus on yourself and how you can improve. This is where part two comes into play. ⬇️

  1. Learn from the masters

Find a mentor. Find someone, or a couple folks, who inspire you to master what you’re working towards. 

For me, I love watching Andrea Fappani ride. He is so precise, and beautiful in his riding. I love watching Jason Vanlandingham ride because I admire how he’s willing to “go for it” to show his horses the best he can. And I love Fallon Taylor because she inspires me to go for business and horses and do it surrounded by my family. 

I hope that I inspire you to be empowered as a horseman. To be confident, and grateful, and to enjoy your horse while kicking butt along the way!

  1. Follow the Process

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And when it comes to training a horse and pre-run prep, don’t be afraid to try what’s already been proven to work. 

People who are winning have something that is working. Go ahead and imitate that! 

For example: 

  • Come up with your own affirmations. 

  • Practice meditation. 

  • Speak love and confidence to yourself and your horse.

So, to review the 3-part process for success

  1. Decide what you want to master

  2. Identify mentors

  3. Follow and imitate those masters who are doing what you want to be doing. 

It is so powerful and important to remember you don’t have to do it all yourself! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You shorten up your learning curve when you can learn from other people’s mistakes. From other people’s success. When they know the “how”; heck yeah, observe and adopt!

Remember, champions and million dollar riders are the same as us. They’re just another human with a different “how”. 

PS- are you interested in learning more about the HOW of how I became a confident rider? While I have the Mental Gym for Equestrians which is super comprehensive, the number one question I’ve been getting lately is about confidence as a rider, so I’m thinking about creating a course just on confidence for riders. Focusing on exactly, step-by-step, how to build and protect your confidence as a rider for greater success in the saddle. As a mental coach I know you have to win the first battle in your mind and believe in yourself if you want to win.  Is this something you’d be interested in? 

Happy Trails!

Nicole Burnett 

Mental Coach for Western Riders 

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