TRUTH BOMB About Riding With A Trainerđź’Ł

Time to get this out in the open. Today’s newsletter is some tough love. 

Please, I beg you, listen to this advice. 

It doesn’t matter if you are in full time training, take lessons or are đź’Ż solo. 

At the end of the day, YOU are the one in the saddle. 

You are the one holding the reins and riding your horse. 

Your horse being push-button can only take you so far. 

Your trainer in your Bluetooth in your ear still can’t ride for you! 

You will never ride your best if you are a robot with your trainer being in your ear telling you what to do. There are 22 triggers for “flow” for peak performance. And trust me, being a robot isn’t one of them. 

Let me be clear: I’m not saying don’t work with a trainer or put your horse in a program. I am a huge advocate for having mentors and you should always be learning!! Having another set of eyes to help you connect the dots between what you think you are doing up in the saddle, and what you are actually doing can be a game changer.

But when it’s time to compete, you have to understand the difference between daily training sessions and lessons, and SHOW TIME. 

Show time means it’s time for you and your horse, as a team, to demonstrate what you have trained for. To show what you can do. It’s a performance!

Do you know this saying? 

💥 When it’s time to perform, the time to prepare has passed. 💥

Do professional singers constantly look to their voice teachers for validation in the middle of a concert? 

Do gymnasts follow the choreographer in the recital? 

No – it’s ridiculous!

Tonight Show No GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

I grew up dancing ballet, and every year we had a recital. You’d wear a fancy costume, makeup, and perform in a gorgeous performing arts center with velvet curtains. 

We’d practice and train for months and months both on dance generally, and our routine specifically. But when we all pranced out onto that stage, it was our time. We either knew the routine or we didn’t. We nailed it or we didn’t. 

Sometimes it was great! Sometimes it wasn’t so great. But we did it. And we were so proud of ourselves! 

Some of the folks I've been seeing recently are so powerful. They are capable, talented, with great horses! But they aren’t owning it. They are minimizing themselves, their abilities, and think they need someone else to validate them and that they “need” all this external validation. Heck, I’ve even seen trainers be offended if a non-pro wants to ride in the arena solo. 

I literally mean a client will take lessons, training and receive coaching in the warm up, but just wants to focus on riding their dang horse in the pen instead of listening to the coach. 

Not Backing Down The Boss GIF by Britannia

Cowboy, take back your power. 

Take responsibility for your part in achieving success. Because you can have a team - and I wish you the best, most supportive team. But when it’s you out there in the pen… well, it’s you and your horse. Own it. 

You can put your horse in training but your trainer can’t train and prepare your mind for you. 

But wait, you aren’t lost! You absolutely can prepare for the mental half of the competition! (That’s what I do!) 

And, news flash: even if you have someone to coach you through what to do to get your mental game and focus and confidence dialed in, YOU have to do the exercises. YOU have to decide to make a change. 

This is my entire point. Because when you’re in the pen, no one can ride for you. No one can think for you. No one can focus and breathe for you. Not even your horse. 

I believe in you. I know you can step up to the challenge. You and your horse will be better for it. 

Happy Trails,

Nicole Burnett

Interested in developing your confidence as a rider for unshakable performance in the saddle??

Click here to get on the waitlist for Resilient Reiner Academy when the course launches where I will teach you to be a confident rider. Get in for the nitty gritty of the HOW, not just the WHAT. 

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