Why Successful People Are 3 Minutes Ahead of You

Season 8 Episode 6 GIF by THE NEXT STEP

Hey there, lovely! If you're on this page, chances are you're yearning for something more with your horse, something magical that's just out of reach. You're craving change and, let me tell you, you're in the right neighborhood for that!

So what are we unpacking today? Well, it’s the powerhouse of your life—your subconscious mind.

You've probably heard whispers about this silent influencer, the puppet master pulling the strings behind your daily decisions and actions.

And yeah, it's legit. This powerhouse is often sidelined, but it's the key to unleashing an extraordinary life. But here's the kicker: knowing about it isn’t enough. The real magic happens when you make it work for you.

It’s the difference between owning a fully trained reiner, and actually riding one. And I’m gonna share a simple, 3-minute exercise you can use to take your powerhouse of a mind for a spin, shall we?

Write the script for your life

Listen, science is on board with this. Your subconscious mind is like the scriptwriter of your life movie. It’s coding your behaviors, installing your belief systems, and setting your daily agenda. It never takes a day off, always churning in the background, shaping your reality. Always absorbing everything around you like a sponge.

Feeling like it's a tall order to control this behind-the-scenes maestro? Not if you've got three minutes to spare.

Imagine it like a quick mental yoga session. It stretches, awakens, and prepares your subconscious to take directions from you.

Three Minutes of Pure Magic: Visualization & Affirmation

It might sound too easy to be effective, but that's the allure. The combo platter here is visualization paired with affirmation.

  • Close those peepers: Close your eyes and take a few calming breaths to reset.

  • Dream in HD: Picture your ultimate goals with your horse in vibrant, movie-like detail. What does success look like to you—a blue ribbon, a clean lead change, going fast without fear?

  • Say It, Feel It: This is where affirmation comes into play. Marry your visualization with a strong, positive statement that aligns with your goals. Like, "I am a rockstar rider," or "We got this," or “I am totally in tune with my horse.”

Make this a morning ritual—just three minutes a day. Trust me, it works wonders.

Why This is Pure Gold

So it’s only natural to wonder why this works. Our brain's got this cool feature called neuroplasticity. It's like software that updates itself. When you visualize and affirm consistently, you’re programming your mind to recognize these scenarios as your new reality. This can impact your behavior as you work towards your goals.

Plus, let’s talk about your brain's VIP bouncer, the Reticular Activating System (RAS). This bad boy is a bundle of nerves sifting through the daily noise and focusing on what truly matters. By setting your intentions, you’re training your RAS to spot opportunities that align with your dreams.

Real Talk: It’s No Fluff

Don't take my word for it; the who's who of success stories are all about the subconscious mind.

Michael Phelps? The most successful and most decorated Olympian of all time uses visualization as if it's a secret weapon in his training regimen. He would watch a mental movie every night before bed where he’d visualize in detail, start to finish, his perfect swim. Jim Carrey famously shared he wrote himself a $10 million check long before he made it in Hollywood.

You Can Do It Too

Okay, so three minutes won’t make you a world champion overnight. But hey, it's a killer first step to reclaiming your power in your own life. It’s about acknowledging that you aren’t just along for the ride; you’re in the saddle, my friend, and you hold the reins.

This little practice can be a game-changer, and the best part? All the tools you need are already within you.

So what's stopping you? You're just three minutes away from rewriting your life script. Time to be your own hero.

Remember, your mind is fertile ground. What you plant today, you'll harvest tomorrow, and beyond. So let’s start planting those seeds of success, shall we? What sort of thoughts are you planting?

So, go ahead, hit that mental refresh button. It's time to start living the life you're meant to.

Happy Trails!


PS: Take Your Riding to the Next Level with Our “Develop Unshakable Confidence” Free Mental Skills Training! → HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!! ←

If you enjoyed this issue, check out our FREE 3-part ONGOING online training for Western riders. It's 100% free to attend! The replay for SESSION 1 is now available, with SESSION 2 happening tonight, October 24, Tuesday at 5 PM, and SESSION 3 on Thursday, November 2.

Our last series was a big hit, with riders gaining powerful mental strategies and hands-on exercises to build confidence, master emotions, and develop champion focus.

Whether you compete or ride for pleasure, this FREE training series helps deepen the bond with your horse and conquer those mental obstacles holding you back.

The training is free, but spots are limited so reserve your seat today

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