Your Success Comes Down to *THIS*

What you need for real change

If you head out to the arena and put in a solid day’s training with your horse, you might come home feeling sore and tired and dirty, but when you look for immediate improvement? You'll see... nothing. If you saddle up again the next day, pushing through the monotony for another round of drills and come home to assess the progress, you might still see... nothing. 

It's disheartening, isn't it? That lack of visible results can make it tempting to just give up. 

And it’s not your fault! You’re human and we’re all about that instant gratification these days. If we can get same day delivery with Uber eats and Amazon prime, what’s the deal with having to wait when it comes to seeing results in our riding?! It’s very easy to get a little bratty and entitled. 

But let’s shift our perspective a bit, using a simple daily routine as an example. Think about brushing your teeth. If you only visit the dentist twice a year without daily brushing, your dental health would deteriorate. You’d probably end up with gingivitis, receded gums, and a bunch of cavities. Yet, what does brushing for two minutes in the morning and night achieve on any given day? Seemingly nothing—unless you do it consistently, twice a day, every day. That's when you maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Similarly, breathing with intention for 60 seconds before a given run won’t make you a champion rider. But committing to 10 minutes of focused, quality mental skills practice every day? That’s what sharpens your skills and moves the lever in leveling up your riding skills and results. 

TRUTH BOMB: It's not the occasional days of intense effort that bring about real change; it's the regular, consistent practice.

Real success isn’t exactly, well, sexy. Isn’t there a fable about this? Oh yeah, the tortoise and the hare. 

Just as daily brushing prevents cavities and promotes overall dental health, your daily training sessions build your skills and enhance your horse's performance gradually but unmistakably. It’s what builds your bond with your horse. Same with your mental game. Consistency is key. It’s about making a commitment to regular practice, not just waiting for big events or pushing through marathon sessions occasionally. So, keep at it, day by day. Over time, that consistent effort is what transforms a good rider into a great one.

‘Ok, ok, you’ve convinced me!’ You say. But how can you add mental training consistently to your life? Here’s 3 ways to implement consistent mental training:

Start Small: Begin with just five minutes of visualization or mindfulness at the start or end of your day.

Habit Stacking: Tie your mental training to another daily habit, like after brushing your teeth or while cooling down after a ride.

Put It On Your Calendar: I’m serious. Think about exactly when you are going to practice your mental skills and pencil it onto your calendar. It makes a big difference in your commitment to yourself and your progress. Putting in on your schedule makes it real, and makes it a promise to yourself. It makes it easier to just “do it” when the time rolls around. 

How will you implement consistent mental training into your routine? Tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner and let me know!

Well, there ya have it, folks. The secret sauce. The magic ingredient. The how of how to transform yourself from participant to formidable competitor. It's consistency. Just don’t give up. Keep chipping away at it. Little by little. Keep working on your skills in and out of the saddle. You’ll be amazed at what you uncover. 

Ride on,

Nicole Burnett

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